Tuesday, June 17, 2014

We Paid the Van Off

I know this blog was supposed to be about saving money and getting debt paid off, but somewhere along the way I lost that focus.  We are still somewhat focused on that goal in real life, although it does seem like we just keep taking on more stuff when we get something paid off.  But we are working on it, and our debt numbers are steadily declining, even when we add a new column.

A few weeks ago we paid our Uplander off.  We only paid it off 3 months early, but either way, it's paid off now!  This is sad to admit, but it's actually the first car my husband and I have bought at a dealer and paid off before we traded it in.   It's nice to not owe anything on it anymore. :)  Unfortunately it will probably end up being replaced in the fairly near future with something we have to make payments on again, though.  The van has almost 140,000 miles on (it's a 2008) since we drive everywhere.  It's been a lot of places, and we still love it, but if it starts giving us any kind of problems we will have to get rid of it.  With all the cross country driving we do we need something that is completely reliable.  We have already started early processes of car shopping again, trying to decide what we want next.  But so far we haven't really found anything that we love.  Hopefully that will change before we actually have to get a new car!


Theresa Mahoney said...

That is such a good feeling, isn't it? I paid my Jeep off 3 years ago and it was a relief not shelling out extra every month for a car payment. Mine only has about 65K miles on it though because I don't drive far ever. Everything I need to get to is within 10 to 20 minutes of where I live.

mail4rosey said...

Mine's paid off too and I love not having a payment. Though my time is def. due soon to have to get a new one.

J Rodney said...

Congrats on getting it paid off ~ I personally hate everything that has to do with payments:)I guess that's why we drive a 99:)

Carla said...

My husband's truck is a 98, and we paid cash for it 2 years ago. It has a lot of miles, but it's great for his everyday driving. I would love to do something similar for my car, but we drive cross country at least once a year. Plus my husband does training in all different parts of our state a few times a year, and wants something newer for those trips for peace of mind. The Uplander is already getting to the point where he's not sure he wants to take it cross country anymore, but hopefully it won't give us any problems and we can hold onto it a while longer. We're making decent progress on saving for a new one now, but are still a long way away from our goal.

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